AWS Load Balancer — 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


HTTP 503: Service Unavailable

when you run to this error means

HTTP 503: Service Unavailable

The target groups for the load balancer have no registered targets.

Here is how to fix

Modify the Health Check Settings of a Target Group

You can modify the health check settings for your target group at any time.

To modify the health check settings of a target group using the console

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
  2. On the navigation pane, under LOAD BALANCING, choose Target Groups.
  3. Select the target group.
  4. On the Health checks tab, choose Edit.
click Edit
choose Instance then click “Add to registered”
after add to registered, it will show on a registered target then click save
that’s it.
refresh page and tada

Thank you for reading and leave me a comment if you have any questions.

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Nadtakan Futhoem — Sr. Software Engineer

