Amazon DynamoDB High Availability — On-Demand Backup and Restore


On-Demand Backups — Allow you to request a full backup of a table, as it is at the very moment the backup request is made.

On-Demand backups are manually requested and can be performed either through the AWS DynamoDB console or by using the AWS CLI.

On-demand backups are useful in the following backup:

  1. Table corruption — rare but possible
  2. Long term regulatory, compliance, and/or auditing data requirements
  3. Testing scenarios
  • Scheduling on-demand backups provide you with the ability to restore table data back to a point in time
  • On-demand backups remain in the account until they are explicitly requested to be deleted by an administrator
  • Backups typically finish within seconds and have zero impact on the table performance and availability
Nadtakan Futhoem — Sr. Software Engineer



Nadtakan Futhoem
Nadtakan Futhoem

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